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Net-Teams - Bookmark Tag give up

There are 36 articles associated with the tag give up!

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1. Bookmarks: 0 Most Newsletters Don't Work - part one: Success and How to Monitor It Why do so few newsletters survive the first few issues? Why do even talented marketing experts give up in frustration about difficult newsletters? A go-to man for newsletters for relationship-based businesses since the nineties, Glenn Harrington provides insight.
2. Bookmarks: 1 Instant Gratification Vs Delayed Gratification Have you ever wondered why so many people fail in life, and just give up on their hopes and dreams? The answer may surprise you!
3. Bookmarks: 0 5 Lessons Your Kids Will Learn By Starting A Business Kids need to be kids and enjoy their time as children. But, at the same time, as they get older, they also need to learn to make money and function in our society as responsible adults.Oftentimes, they get a job at a Burger Joint, where they learn how to listen to a boss, and how to work with others, but then they may also have to give up some extracurricular activities, study time and time with family. Not terrible things, but enough of a challenge that many families are...
4. Bookmarks: 0 You Can Believe In Yourself When we’re depressed, usually we feel we aren’t accomplishing much. We may be making an effort, but we have a tendency to give up easily. Unfortunately, after a time we start to doubt we can count on ourselves to do what we say, or we may become reluctant to agree to meet with anyone or promise to do anything because we don't know how we'll feel when the time comes. This usually spirals downward because the more often we break a promise or avoid one, the more that seems to pr...
5. Bookmarks: 0 When Your At The End Of Your Rope With Your Anxieties What do you do when you feel that your at the end of your rope with your anxieties, depression, and fears? During this time, the best thing to do is not to give up and not to lose hope. In the meantime, here is a list of brief techniques that a person can use to overcome your depression, fears, and anxiety.Sometimes we encounter a scary situation that gets us all upset. When encountering these events, always remember to get all of the facts of the given situation. Gatheri...
6. Bookmarks: 2 Strategies To Conquer Your Fitness Anxiety Paying for a gym pass you don’t use? Running shoes gathering dust? Do you have a fear of fitness? Don’t worry- you are not alone!Fear is one of the biggest reasons people give up on exercise, according to a growing number of sports-psychology and fitness authorities. Here are some simple strategies straight from the professionals aimed at helping you get over your fear and get on with your workout.
7. Bookmarks: 2 Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy In Watford Judging the success rate of a Hypnotherapist’s quit smoking session is not as easy as you might expect. As a Hypnotherapist working in the Watford area, it is one of the most commonly asked questions. However, a recent report into the subject, suggested that the only real way of getting 100% evidence of success from a client, would be to take a blood sample from them, and then test it for nicotine. Since this sounds a little farfetched to me, let me explain to you a little ab...
8. Bookmarks: 0 Bold And Bald You've heard the myths and theories regarding hair loss. You cringed at the fact that only castrated men of ancient societies managed to keep their hair on their heads. Before choosing whether to give up your macho image or having an ever-receding hair line, read up. There are ways to stagger the effects of hair loss.The key to prevention however, is understanding what is MPB or Male Pattern Baldness and its causes. To clarify, MPB also happens to women. Surprised? MPB's ...
9. Bookmarks: 0 Senior Golfers Can Still Play Great Golf. Do You Want To Know How? If you’re a senior golfer…don’t give up and don’t give into the perception that’s it’s all downhill from here. No way! You have a lot of GREAT golf years ahead of you, but you need to take a different approach to your golf improvement.
10. Bookmarks: 0 Golf School – Time to get ahead of the competition If you’re fed up with loosing every game and feeling that it is time to give up golf for good, then perhaps it is time to head for a golf school. But before you hand over your credit card, you must first of all think of four things when selecting your school.
11. Bookmarks: 0 How To Stick Up For Yourself? Do you have trouble sticking up for yourself? Do you feel pushed around or walked over? Do you find it difficult to say no to others. Do you do things which you did not want to do? Here are a few things you can practice to make things better.Sometimes it is tough to let go of a relationship, but you should keep only relationships that are on equal ground and give up the rest. Do you call your friend or go see them, but they never call you? Are you always there for them, b...
12. Bookmarks: 0 Dating/relationships & Independence: Women Over 40 Keeping Life In Balance How do you find the balance between your own independent life and being in a relationship? For some women this is about facing your worst fear that you will somehow lose yourself along the way. You can find out how to make sure that you don't give up on yourself whilst being in a relationship. Five surefire ways of keeping you independent and happy whilst dating and finding a relationship that is the right balance for you.Women wanting a relationshipAt least 50% of th...
13. Bookmarks: 2 The Magic Of Balance Who has not watched intelligent, educated, good-hearted people unable to create the lives they desired, who eventually give up, consumed with despair and anger? They flail like gorillas on roller skates, with great strength, but no leverage at all.Why does this happen? One possible answer is that they had theories, models for everything around them in life, but no way to check the accuracy of their ideas. They failed to grasp that EVERYONE deletes information from their c...
14. Bookmarks: 5 How Hypnosis Can Help You Quit Smoking The negative impact of smoking on health has been well documented for decades, and there is becoming an ever increasing shift towards kicking the habit for good. Sadly, nicotine is more addictive than crack cocaine, and this is evident in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions worldwide who try and fail to give up every single year. One proven successful treatment in the fight against the tobacco habit has been hypnosis. With a proven track record, hypnosis is becoming...
15. Bookmarks: 2 Cannabis And The Void Often when people give up smoking cannabis, a massive hole (or void) is made within themselves. They are left with a feeling of depression and emptiness. It's like something is missing. Something you love has now disappeared and you feel sadness because you want that feeling back.Truth is you don't actually want marijuana back, but you do want the FEELING that marijuana gave you back.I hear it often that many users are saying they find it difficult to cope with this c...
16. Bookmarks: 0 Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 69 ) For those who believe in God there is another way, which is much less difficult. They give up the fruits of work unto the Lord; they work and are never attached to the results. Whatever they see, feel, hear, or do, is for Him. For whatever good work we may do, let us not claim any praise or benefit. It is the Lord's; give up the fruits unto Him. Let us stand aside and think that we are only servants obeying the Lord, our Master, and that every impulse for action comes from Hi...
17. Bookmarks: 0 The Greatest Secret Of The Universe The goal of human life, according to yogis and sages, is to unite one’s individual consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness. This union of one’s small “I” with the Cosmic “I” is also known as yoga. Anyone who has ever tried to meditate knows that achieving the final goal of yoga is not as easy as it sounds. Many people, in fact, give up the pursuit before they reach the goal. Despite this seeming difficulty there is a simple technique that can put the achie...
18. Bookmarks: 0 Reasons To Stay Positive You surely have heard about positive thinking, but why bother? Is there any reason you should make the effort to retain only positive thoughts? This article shares some ideas why you may in fact want to make this effort.Higher ProductivityMaintaining a positive attitude may lead to higher productivity, whether in your career or personal life. When you are negative, you tend to give up more easily, get frustrated, get easily distracted, and drag your feet. A simple t...
19. Bookmarks: 0 The Hidden Value Of Setting Goals Have you ever wondered how much control we actually have over our lives? The mind is continuously sending us messages to do this or that and our lack of awareness blindly follows its commands. These messages are generally self defeating because when the mind is in control it will always side with taking the easy option over the better one. Each time we attempt something new and give up because of the latest whim or passing fancy we give it more control and the cycle gets hard...
20. Bookmarks: 0 Learn How To Defend Your Dreams! Have you ever been convinced to walk away from your dreams by people who manage to throw enough self doubt at you to win that war of attrition? The constant day in and day out negativity that pushes you to give up your dreams and conform to something you’re not? “What are you nuts? You can’t do that!” “Oh there’s another hair brained scheme!” “Get Real! Go get a real job!” “Who do you think you are? You aren’t something special, stick t...
21. Bookmarks: 5 Challenges And The Power Of Acceptance Inevitably in life we will have to face disappointment from time to time. Sometimes they may be little disappointments, and other times they may be great, big, heart wrenching disappointments. When this happens to us, we have a choice in how we react. Some of us may give up on our dreams, others may keep fighting stubbornly against the tide, and still others may choose another path to travel.One important aspect of dealing with disappointment is acceptance. When we keep f...
22. Bookmarks: 0 Student Loans? Don't Bother Me. I'm Eccentric. Student loans keep growing if you succumb to peer pressure. Freedom means being free of peer pressure. Even beaurocrats give up in despair when they realise that you are eccentric. Learn to avoid student loans by being eccentric.
23. Bookmarks: 0 Steering Your Way To A Bad Credit Car Loan The cost of an automobile is a big ticket item for almost any budget to absorb, but the reality is that for most of us, having a car is essential to conducting our lives. For people with no credit history, or even worse, with a poor one, getting a car loan can pose a serious challenge. But don’t give up of the attempt just yet; the number of people with poor credit who need cars is so great that you can bet there is are those willing to help them. Who are they?Talk T...
24. Bookmarks: 0 How to Improve Your Chances to Qualify for a Conventional Home Loan Before you give up on the idea that you will never be able to get a home equity loan because of your bad credit, first be sure you can’t get one. It may save you a lot of work, and it opens up more possibilities for home purchases and help from real estate agents.You might be surprised to find that there are ways you can get conventional financing, even though you never thought you would be able to...
25. Bookmarks: 0 Online Selling Using Cause & Effect To Gain Success If you sell online in any form you really need to ask yourself one question How Long Do You Plan To Operate In Business Online. If your answer is, Forever! Then you have a future. If the answer is, Not Long At All. Then go ahead and just give up right now.
26. Bookmarks: 0 How do the work home gurus make 4k a day? Allot of people want to know how the gurus make their money online. many people want to buy their secrets. This is the one secret that most gurus don't give up. It is the most obvious one that most people miss for some reason.
27. Bookmarks: 0 Become A Poker Affiliate: Generate Income From Your Website If you own a site without advertising you are wasting a huge investment opportunity. Online companies are clambering for extra advertising space on small websites throughout the World Wide Web. Why not add a little profit to a personal site and make it work for you? Becoming an affiliate is not guaranteed moneymaking venture so don't give up the day job just yet. But if you own a Website it can offer you a small subsidiary revenue. Becoming a poker affiliate is one of the...
28. Bookmarks: 0 Affiliate web sites make money Working from home and making money from your hobby is one of the easiest ways to generate an additional income for you and your family. The lucky ones get to work from home all day but I suggest you don't give up your day job!
29. Bookmarks: 0 Five Ways To Quadruple A Websites Revenue. Many website owners all too often give up on their website, even before their site has had time to shine. It can take months, or even years to reach the optimum for a business so why not expect the same out of a website? It is hard to find a business that finds the desired revenue within the first year. So why should a website be as popular as it should be within the first few months or years?First of all just like any successful business you must believe that you'll succ...
30. Bookmarks: 3 Are Made For Adsense Sites Ruining Search Results? It's happened to you. You've searched for something on Google and several promising results appear. You click on a link, but when you get to the site all you see are a few ads and nothing even remotely close to what you searched for. So you go back to the search results and try again, only it happens again and again until you finally find a page with some decent content...or frustration sets in and you give up all together.Why does this happen? How come in this day and ag...
31. Bookmarks: 0 Writing Articles Can Be A Profitable Business In the world of today, job satisfaction scores over most other factors. They are less inclined to become cogs in the wheel if they can help it. Moreover, one can do so much more today. The growth in the field of communications has opened up many opportunities. More and more people have begun to give up their day jobs in favor of more flexible work-from-home routines. The unprecedented rise of the Internet has been one of the major factors that have made this possible.Amon...
32. Bookmarks: 9 Publishing Options For New Authors Most of us have dreams of writing a book one day but the statistics verify that the vast majority never complete the task. There are lots of reasons for this failure but one of the most important is that would-be authors have heard that publishers accept only a tiny percentage of the book proposals they receive. People have heard how difficult it can be and they give up on the task as a result.Technology has changed a lot of things in the publishing industry, not to men...
33. Bookmarks: 4 Eight Surefire Ways To Stay Motivated Do you have trouble finishing your writing projects? Do you sometimes wonder what’s the point? Do rejections make you want to give up all together? You’re not alone. Writing isn’t always fun, especially when your efforts don’t seem to make a difference. But if you want to succeed, you can’t stop. You must keep going even when you don’t feel like it. Here are eight great ways to stay motivated: 1) Read biographies. What you’re feeling or going through isn&#...
34. Bookmarks: 0 Don't Give Up On Writing That Novel Think it's hard to get a novel published? For most writers, it is - but it's certainly not impossible. I've had two hit the shelves-in 10 countries, and with book club and movie rights picked up. People often ask me how I did it, and the truth is simple. All it takes is, 1) talent, and 2) actually writing the thing.As much as I hate to admit it, the second is the more important factor.Fact is, plenty of great novels go unfinished. The statistics are staggering: of tho...
35. Bookmarks: 5 Should I Give Up Me To Not Lose You? How far can you afford to bend your values to preserve your relationship? How far can you go in giving yourself up to avoid losing your partner? How much of yourself can you afford to sacrifice to not lose someone you love? How do we find the balance between maintaining our integrity and bending our values?
36. Bookmarks: 0 Commitment Phobia: Are You Commitment Phobic? Marilee, a client of mine, was commitment phobic. “I’d love to be in a loving relationship,” she told me in one of our counseling sessions, “but I’m not willing to give up my freedom. I have a great life. I love my work and my friends. I love to travel and take workshops and classes. I don’t want anyone telling me what I can or can’t do. I don’t want to deal with someone feeling hurt because I want to work rather than be with him. It’s just not wor...

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LinkedIn Recommendation: Lana Cicen - Project Coordinator at The Hope Financial Services, Inc - I had Teo help with my non-tech project I was working, which was a triage system for a construction company - all paper. Teo made it work more efficiently and explained how the new system could be upgraded into a computer program, which included inventory management online. I love this guy! Always one step ahead. I just hired him again make this our phase 2 project. If you are looking for a process guy, Teo is it! - March 17, 2012, Lana was Teo's client


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